Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations

Our work to end animal cruelty focuses on five major programmes:
Farmed Animals
The recent years have seen a steep surge in the consumption of animal products in India, leading to an exponential increment in the number of animals reared. This has resulted in the normalisation of exploitative factory farming practices, which are marked by isolation, suffering and incessant pain, for farmed animals. We have launched several nation-wide campaigns to mitigate and regulate animal cruelty in the industry, inspire people to adopt a cruelty-free lifestyle and minimize the escalation in consumption of animal products across the country.
Animals in Captivity
Animals, undoubtedly suffer when they are confined to small restrictive spaces for the sake of ‘human’ entertainment. Fighting for stronger laws to ban some of the most archaic definitions of entertainment, through litigation, raising awareness, generating public opinion and initiating direct action; FIAPO has been actively working on projects to bring respite to these suffering animals.
Companion Animals
Human-Companion Animals conflict in the country is one of the main threats to the continued survival of many species which include but are not limited to dogs and cats. FIAPO, along with state government and local bodies, has started a nation-wide dog-bite and rabies prevention campaign called ‘Rabies Free India’, to address and mitigate escalating conflicts between humans and street dogs.
Movement Building
Two of biggest problems related to the animal rights movement in the country are isolation and disconnection. While individuals and local organisations work for the cause, they face issues like having limited knowledge and lack of opportunities to participate in the movement. FIAPO, realising the need of the hour, works towards improving the animal protection framework in the country through collaborative and collective work.
Personhood of Animals
In the Indian law, the animals are seen as property – no different than a table or a chair or a car. In an effort to bring a definite shift in the way our law views animals, FIAPO is working on personhood for animals.